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more general categories information about this item Biological Sciences Biological Sciences life history (2240) death (786) Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2010 (38932) Economics, Business and Industry Economics, Business and Industry economics (27895) economic analysis (2696) cost analysis (573) cost of illness analysis (4) products and commodities (80757) agricultural products (74894) foods (19982) Food and Human Nutrition Food and Human Nutrition foods (20022) Government, Law and Regulations Government, Law and Regulations government and administration (4390) government agencies (642) Department of Health and Human Services (152) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (19) Health and Pathology Health and Pathology pathological processes and conditions (16753) death (786) Reference Types Reference Types Magazines, Newspapers, Periodicals (109) Time Periods Time Periods Month (115) December (9) Abstract of Article: One in six Americans gets sick from food every year, and about 3,000 die from those illnesses, according to new data released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Date Last Accessed: Accessed August 23, 2014 Title of Article: Nearly 17% of Americans suffer food poisoning each year, study shows Author(s) of Article: Lyndsey Layton Citation: Lyndsey Layton, ''Nearly 17% of Americans suffer food poisoning each year, study shows,'' Washington Post, December 15, 2010. (accessed August 23, 2014) Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: December 15, 2010 Location of Article: Name of Publication: Washington Post Publishing Company: Washington Post Accession Number: 146