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more general categories information about this item Biological Sciences Biological Sciences biochemistry (102540) biochemical compounds (82890) nucleic acids, nucleosides and nucleotides (18273) nucleic acids (16648) DNA (10243) RNA (8458) ribosomal RNA (2556) genetics (60992) molecular genetics (44734) DNA libraries (1490) DNA probes (522) DNA primers (430) genetic techniques and protocols (17631) sequence analysis (2794) nucleic acids (16648) DNA (10243) RNA (8458) ribosomal RNA (2556) Breeding and Genetic Improvement Breeding and Genetic Improvement genetic resources (29016) clones (1953) genetic techniques and protocols (17631) sequence analysis (2794) Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2008 (37480) Geographical Locations Geographical Locations named bodies of water (3209) North Sea (152) Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences ecology (54081) community ecology (22291) community structure (2937) hydrology (18092) water (12151) seawater (1010) natural resources (75944) biological resources (55960) genetic resources (29016) clones (1953) Physical and Chemical Sciences Physical and Chemical Sciences chemical substances (129118) biochemical compounds (82878) nucleic acids, nucleosides and nucleotides (18273) nucleic acids (16648) DNA (10243) RNA (8458) ribosomal RNA (2556) physics (54990) physical properties (32618) temperature (18106) Reference Types Reference Types Journal (337546) Research, Technology and Engineering Research, Technology and Engineering methodology (66114) laboratory techniques (29304) genetic techniques and protocols (17631) sequence analysis (2794) Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria Archaea (448) Euryarchaeota (232) Methanococcales (8) Methanococcaceae (4) Methanococcus (4) Thermococcales (25) Thermococcaceae (21) Thermococcus (8) Eubacteria (19572) Firmicutes (9350) Spirochaetales (216) Thermotogales (29) Thermosipho (1) Thermotoga (21) Abstract of Article: Will be presented in next release Date Last Accessed: Accessed January 20, 2015 Title of Article: Microbial community structure analysis of produced water from a high-temperature North Sea oil-field Author(s) of Article: Will be identified in next release Citation: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2008 v.93 no.1-2 pp. 37-49 Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: 2008 Location of Article: Name of Publication: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Publishing Company: Will be identified in next release Accession Number: 77791