more general categories |
information about this item |
Biological Sciences |
Biological Sciences |
medicinal properties (3144) |
antibacterial properties (1150) |
antifungal properties (699) |
ethnobotany (580) |
chemical constituents of plants (9746) |
medicinal plants (2712) |
Calendar Year |
Calendar Year |
2006 (23836) |
Economics, Business and Industry |
Economics, Business and Industry |
plant extracts (3599) |
herbal medicines (961) |
herbal medicines (961) |
Geographical Locations |
Geographical Locations |
India (2497) |
Health and Pathology |
Health and Pathology |
skin diseases (891) |
traditional medicine (1745) |
medicinal properties (3143) |
herbal medicines (961) |
wound treatment (71) |
Physical and Chemical Sciences |
Physical and Chemical Sciences |
plant extracts (3599) |
Plant Science and Plant Products |
Plant Science and Plant Products |
ethnobotany (580) |
chemical constituents of plants (9747) |
plant extracts (3599) |
herbal medicines (961) |
medicinal plants (2712) |
Reference Types |
Reference Types |
Journal (337546) |
Rural and Agricultural Sociology |
Rural and Agricultural Sociology |
ethnobotany (580) |
traditional medicine (1745) |
Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria |
Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria |
Bacillus cereus (345) |
Bacillus subtilis (533) |
Staphylococcus aureus (884) |
Streptococcus pneumoniae (22) |
Micrococcus luteus (54) |
Enterobacter aerogenes (32) |
Escherichia coli (3139) |
Klebsiella pneumoniae (98) |
Proteus mirabilis (18) |
Salmonella typhimurium (318) |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (410) |
Taxa - Fungi, Yeasts, Molds and Mildews |
Taxa - Fungi, Yeasts, Molds and Mildews |
Aspergillus flavus (146) |
Aspergillus nidulellus (47) |
Aspergillus niger (355) |
Aspergillus terreus (34) |
Candida albicans (173) |
Cryptococcus albidus (8) |
Trichophyton rubrum (15) |
Taxa - Plantae |
Taxa - Plantae |
Marchantiaceae (18) |
Abstract of Article: |
Will be presented in next release |
Date Last Accessed: |
Accessed January 20, 2015 |
Title of Article: |
Antimicrobial, wound healing and antioxidant activity of Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. et Lind |
Author(s) of Article: |
Will be identified in next release |
Citation: |
Journal of ethnopharmacology 2006 v.107 no.1 pp. 67-72 |
Click to View: |
(Click to View) |
Date of Publication: |
2006 |
Location of Article: | |
Name of Publication: |
Journal of ethnopharmacology |
Publishing Company: |
Will be identified in next release |
Accession Number: |
238303 |