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more general categories information about this item Animal Science and Animal Products Animal Science and Animal Products animal health (2699) fish health (131) animals (57707) invertebrates (9130) molluscs (2350) clams (281) vertebrates (48184) birds (5096) fish (10696) rockfish (42) mammals (32609) humans (6227) Biological Sciences Biological Sciences histology (1732) tissue analysis (165) organisms (108862) animals (57703) invertebrates (9132) molluscs (2350) clams (281) vertebrates (48182) birds (5096) fish (10695) rockfish (42) mammals (32609) humans (6227) aquatic organisms (16050) fish (10692) rockfish (42) Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2011 (42920) Economics, Business and Industry Economics, Business and Industry economics (27895) economic resources (892) income and wealth (867) income (748) household income (195) low income households (91) Geographical Locations Geographical Locations North America (16962) United States (12631) Eastern United States (3664) Southeastern United States (2467) North Carolina (310) Government, Law and Regulations Government, Law and Regulations government and administration (4390) government agencies (642) Environmental Protection Agency (158) Health and Pathology Health and Pathology animal and human health (42466) animal health (2699) fish health (131) human health and safety (4222) human health (1407) Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences ecology (54081) trophic relationships (13674) food chain (466) heterotrophs (9021) predators (2340) environmental science (25745) environmental degradation (16012) pollution (12513) pollutants (6440) geology (23343) sediments (4996) natural resources (75944) land resources (17347) rural areas (554) watersheds (4526) water resources (14174) inland waters (9847) rivers (4769) Physical and Chemical Sciences Physical and Chemical Sciences chemical substances (129118) agrochemicals (13851) pesticides (9083) insecticides (2617) organochlorine insecticides (498) cyclodiene insecticides (263) dieldrin (63) organochlorine pesticides (706) organochlorine insecticides (498) cyclodiene insecticides (263) dieldrin (63) chemical compounds (78840) inorganic compounds (30695) metals (14084) metallic elements (11806) transition elements (6939) cadmium (1500) mercury (824) organic compounds (57444) organic halogen compounds (2221) halogenated hydrocarbons (1373) chlorinated hydrocarbons (1250) polychlorinated biphenyls (647) organochlorine compounds (1070) organochlorine pesticides (706) organochlorine insecticides (498) cyclodiene insecticides (263) dieldrin (63) elements (30672) metallic elements (11806) transition elements (6939) cadmium (1500) mercury (824) nonmetallic elements (20442) arsenic (962) selenium (572) trace elements (7005) arsenic (962) selenium (571) Reference Types Reference Types Journal (337546) Rural and Agricultural Sociology Rural and Agricultural Sociology family and consumer science (4072) consumer science (1652) family resource management (237) household income (195) low income households (91) people (16543) adults (3680) researchers (731) Abstract of Article: Will be presented in next release Date Last Accessed: Accessed January 20, 2015 Title of Article: Elevated Levels of Metals and Organic Pollutants in Fish and Clams in the Cape Fear River Watershed Author(s) of Article: Will be identified in next release Citation: Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 2011 v.61 no.3 pp. 461-471 Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: 2011 Location of Article: Name of Publication: Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology Publishing Company: Will be identified in next release Accession Number: 75929