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more general categories information about this item Biological Sciences Biological Sciences anatomy and morphology (70482) plant anatomy (36017) leaves (12215) biochemistry (102540) bioactive properties (24739) toxicity (7752) phytotoxicity (702) biochemical compounds (82890) carbohydrates (23127) glycosides (3603) glycoflavonoids (1223) glycoflavones (1221) anthocyanins (1048) pigments (5990) plant pigments (5095) flavonoids (4264) glycoflavonoids (1223) glycoflavones (1221) anthocyanins (1048) enzymology (9123) enzyme activity (7588) botany (53088) plant biology (52661) plant anatomy (36016) leaves (12214) plant biochemistry (14569) chemical constituents of plants (9746) plant pigments (5094) flavonoids (4263) glycoflavonoids (1223) glycoflavones (1221) anthocyanins (1048) plant physiology (23111) plant growth (7344) plant response (1178) organisms (108862) aquatic organisms (16050) aquatic plants (1868) macrophytes (894) plants (35960) aquatic plants (1868) macrophytes (894) physiology (77074) plant physiology (23109) plant growth (7344) plant response (1178) Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2012 (47541) Health and Pathology Health and Pathology animal and human health (42466) medical sciences (24631) toxicology (10767) toxicity (7752) phytotoxicity (702) pathological processes and conditions (16753) abiotic stress (4588) Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences ecology (54081) ecosystems (7820) Physical and Chemical Sciences Physical and Chemical Sciences chemical substances (129118) biochemical compounds (82878) carbohydrates (23127) glycosides (3603) glycoflavonoids (1223) glycoflavones (1221) anthocyanins (1048) pigments (5990) plant pigments (5095) flavonoids (4264) glycoflavonoids (1223) glycoflavones (1221) anthocyanins (1048) chemical compounds (78840) inorganic compounds (30695) metals (14084) metallic elements (11806) transition elements (6939) manganese (640) nitrogen compounds (16192) organic nitrogen compounds (14211) heterocyclic nitrogen compounds (10196) porphyrins (3810) chlorophyll (2712) organic compounds (57444) heterocyclic compounds (16089) heterocyclic nitrogen compounds (10187) porphyrins (3810) chlorophyll (2712) heterocyclic oxygen compounds (6387) flavonoids (4263) glycoflavonoids (1223) glycoflavones (1221) anthocyanins (1048) isoprenoids (6676) terpenoids (6590) carotenoids (1954) organic nitrogen compounds (14202) heterocyclic nitrogen compounds (10187) porphyrins (3810) chlorophyll (2712) elements (30672) metallic elements (11806) transition elements (6939) manganese (640) trace elements (7005) manganese (640) Plant Science and Plant Products Plant Science and Plant Products botany (53089) plant biology (52662) plant anatomy (36017) leaves (12215) plant biochemistry (14570) chemical constituents of plants (9747) plant pigments (5095) flavonoids (4264) glycoflavonoids (1223) glycoflavones (1221) anthocyanins (1048) plant physiology (23111) plant growth (7344) plant response (1178) plants (35961) aquatic plants (1868) macrophytes (894) Reference Types Reference Types Journal (337546) Taxa - Plantae Taxa - Plantae Filicopsida (296) Hydropteridales (55) Azollaceae (32) Azolla (32) Azolla caroliniana (7) Salviniaceae (18) Salvinia (17) Magnoliophyta (59301) Liliopsida (16758) Arales (131) Lemnaceae (131) Spirodela (33) Spirodela polyrhiza (24) Abstract of Article: Will be presented in next release Date Last Accessed: Accessed January 20, 2015 Title of Article: The Morphophysiological Responses of Free-Floating Aquatic Macrophytes to a Supra-optimal Supply of Manganese Author(s) of Article: Will be identified in next release Citation: Water, air, and soil pollution 2012 v.223 no.5 pp. 2807-2820 Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: 2012 Location of Article: Name of Publication: Water, air, and soil pollution Publishing Company: Will be identified in next release Accession Number: 171185