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more general categories information about this item Animal Science and Animal Products Animal Science and Animal Products animals (57707) invertebrates (9130) aquatic invertebrates (2638) shellfish (266) molluscs (2350) mussels (630) oysters (454) scallops (159) vertebrates (48184) mammals (32609) humans (6227) zoology (51799) animal anatomy (33734) animal organs (10087) animal glands (2420) endocrine glands (1938) gonads (1675) endocrine system (2031) endocrine glands (1938) gonads (1675) Biological Sciences Biological Sciences anatomy and morphology (70482) animal anatomy (33736) animal organs (10087) animal glands (2420) endocrine glands (1938) gonads (1675) endocrine system (2031) endocrine glands (1938) gonads (1675) nutrition (23130) diet (12242) organisms (108862) animals (57703) invertebrates (9132) aquatic invertebrates (2638) shellfish (266) molluscs (2350) mussels (630) oysters (454) scallops (159) vertebrates (48182) mammals (32609) humans (6227) aquatic organisms (16050) aquatic invertebrates (2638) shellfish (266) zoology (51772) animal anatomy (33713) animal organs (10080) animal glands (2418) endocrine glands (1938) gonads (1675) endocrine system (2031) endocrine glands (1938) gonads (1675) Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2008 (37480) Economics, Business and Industry Economics, Business and Industry economics (27895) international economics (1527) common markets (927) European Union (922) products and commodities (80757) agricultural products (74894) foods (19982) Food and Human Nutrition Food and Human Nutrition foods (20022) Geographical Locations Geographical Locations Europe (17734) British Isles (2904) United Kingdom (2558) Great Britain (1163) Scotland (373) Health and Pathology Health and Pathology exposure (1807) acceptable daily intake (69) exposure pathways (803) dietary exposure (373) Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences environmental science (25745) environmental degradation (16012) pollution (12513) pollutants (6440) emissions (2923) Physical and Chemical Sciences Physical and Chemical Sciences chemical substances (129118) chemical compounds (78840) organic compounds (57444) heterocyclic compounds (16089) heterocyclic oxygen compounds (6387) furans (384) dioxins (290) polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (224) organic halogen compounds (2221) halogenated hydrocarbons (1373) chlorinated hydrocarbons (1250) polychlorinated biphenyls (647) organochlorine compounds (1070) polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (224) Reference Types Reference Types Journal (337546) Rural and Agricultural Sociology Rural and Agricultural Sociology organizations (885) international organizations (660) United Nations (589) World Health Organization (356) Abstract of Article: Will be presented in next release Date Last Accessed: Accessed January 20, 2015 Title of Article: Brominated and chlorinated dioxins, PCBs and brominated flame retardants in Scottish shellfish: Methodology, occurrence and human dietary exposure Author(s) of Article: Will be identified in next release Citation: Molecular nutrition and food research 2008 v.52 no.2 pp. 238-249 Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: 2008 Location of Article: Name of Publication: Molecular nutrition and food research Publishing Company: Will be identified in next release Accession Number: 127696