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more general categories information about this item Biological Sciences Biological Sciences biological properties and phenomena (31123) body weight (5991) immunology (9976) immunologic techniques (3401) immunoassays (1829) enzyme immunoassays (1607) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (1550) Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2013 (32153) Economics, Business and Industry Economics, Business and Industry administrative management (9912) risk analysis (5082) risk assessment (3952) exposure assessment (287) average daily intake (72) products and commodities (80757) agricultural products (74894) foods (19982) cooked foods (1504) baked goods (1080) breads (646) noodles (275) pasta (185) plant products (54971) grain products (16322) grains (14407) small grains (10194) wheat (4519) wheat products (5230) wheat (4519) Food and Human Nutrition Food and Human Nutrition foods (20022) cooked foods (1504) baked goods (1080) breads (646) noodles (275) pasta (185) Geographical Locations Geographical Locations South America (4651) Brazil (2201) Health and Pathology Health and Pathology animal and human health (42466) medical sciences (24631) toxicology (10767) toxic substances (2921) toxins (2302) mycotoxins (1052) deoxynivalenol (184) exposure (1807) acceptable daily intake (69) exposure pathways (803) dietary exposure (373) Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences atmospheric sciences (22912) meteorology and climatology (21777) seasons (8372) growing season (1453) Plant Science and Plant Products Plant Science and Plant Products plant products (54974) grain products (16323) grains (14407) small grains (10194) wheat (4519) wheat products (5230) wheat (4519) Reference Types Reference Types Journal (337546) Research, Technology and Engineering Research, Technology and Engineering methodology (66114) immunologic techniques (3401) immunoassays (1829) enzyme immunoassays (1607) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (1550) laboratory techniques (29304) assays (3893) immunoassays (1829) enzyme immunoassays (1607) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (1550) Abstract of Article: Will be presented in next release Date Last Accessed: Accessed January 20, 2015 Title of Article: Natural occurrence of deoxynivalenol in wheat from ParanĂ¡ State, Brazil and estimated daily intake by wheat products Author(s) of Article: Will be identified in next release Citation: Food chemistry 2013 v.138 no.1 pp. 90-95 Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: 2013 Location of Article: Name of Publication: Food chemistry Publishing Company: Will be identified in next release Accession Number: 136653