more general categories |
information about this item |
Animal Science and Animal Products |
Animal Science and Animal Products |
earthworms (475) |
Biological Sciences |
Biological Sciences |
plant pathogenic fungi (1723) |
earthworms (475) |
plant pathogenic fungi (1723) |
Calendar Year |
Calendar Year |
2006 (23836) |
Economics, Business and Industry |
Economics, Business and Industry |
apples (1349) |
Farms and Farming Systems |
Farms and Farming Systems |
orchards (677) |
integrated agricultural systems (75) |
Geographical Locations |
Geographical Locations |
Hungary (237) |
Netherlands (591) |
Health and Pathology |
Health and Pathology |
disease incidence (899) |
plant pathogenic fungi (1723) |
fungal diseases of plants (2178) |
scab diseases (119) |
plant pathogenic fungi (1723) |
Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences |
environmental factors (9465) |
orchards (677) |
earthworms (475) |
plant litter (1117) |
Physical and Chemical Sciences |
Physical and Chemical Sciences |
captan (25) |
urea (787) |
captan (25) |
urea (787) |
captan (25) |
seasonal variation (3250) |
Plant Science and Plant Products |
Plant Science and Plant Products |
fungal diseases of plants (2178) |
scab diseases (119) |
plant pathogenic fungi (1723) |
apples (1349) |
Reference Types |
Reference Types |
Journal (337546) |
Taxa - Fungi, Yeasts, Molds and Mildews |
Taxa - Fungi, Yeasts, Molds and Mildews |
Venturia inaequalis (45) |
Taxa - Plantae |
Taxa - Plantae |
Malus domestica (453) |
Abstract of Article: |
Will be presented in next release |
Date Last Accessed: |
Accessed January 20, 2015 |
Title of Article: |
Effects of integrated control measures on earthworms, leaf litter and Venturia inaequalis infection in two European apple orchards |
Author(s) of Article: |
Will be identified in next release |
Citation: |
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment 2006 v.114 no.2-4 pp. 287-295 |
Click to View: |
(Click to View) |
Date of Publication: |
2006 |
Location of Article: | |
Name of Publication: |
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment |
Publishing Company: |
Will be identified in next release |
Accession Number: |
233339 |