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more general categories information about this item Animal Science and Animal Products Animal Science and Animal Products zoology (51799) animal physiology (24482) digestive physiology (3990) digestion (1213) Biological Sciences Biological Sciences biochemistry (102540) biochemical compounds (82890) carbohydrates (23127) polysaccharides (9609) glucans (5043) cellulose (1820) lipids (12491) fatty acids (6053) volatile fatty acids (338) nucleic acids, nucleosides and nucleotides (18273) nucleic acids (16648) RNA (8458) ribosomal RNA (2556) metabolism (18992) energy metabolism (8289) anaerobiosis (3597) fermentation (3507) biological properties and phenomena (31123) gas production (biological) (1060) methane production (565) genetics (60992) molecular genetics (44734) nucleic acids (16648) RNA (8458) ribosomal RNA (2556) microbiology (27793) microbial activity (2849) microbial physiology (3804) fermentation (3506) microorganisms (23193) bacteria (9332) methanogens (205) organisms (108862) microorganisms (23191) bacteria (9331) methanogens (205) physiology (77074) animal physiology (24482) digestive physiology (3990) digestion (1213) metabolism (18984) energy metabolism (8288) anaerobiosis (3596) fermentation (3506) microbial physiology (3801) fermentation (3506) zoology (51772) animal physiology (24475) digestive physiology (3987) digestion (1212) Breeding and Genetic Improvement Breeding and Genetic Improvement genetic resources (29016) clones (1953) Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2011 (42920) Economics, Business and Industry Economics, Business and Industry economics (27895) industrial organization and market structure (7082) industry (6905) energy industry (123) fuel production (83) Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences ecology (54081) community ecology (22291) community structure (2937) ecological processes and phenomena (7521) acclimation (920) environmental science (25745) wastes (6002) solid wastes (1255) municipal solid waste (264) natural resources (75944) biological resources (55960) genetic resources (29016) clones (1953) Physical and Chemical Sciences Physical and Chemical Sciences chemical substances (129118) biochemical compounds (82878) carbohydrates (23127) polysaccharides (9609) glucans (5043) cellulose (1820) lipids (12483) fatty acids (6047) volatile fatty acids (338) nucleic acids, nucleosides and nucleotides (18273) nucleic acids (16648) RNA (8458) ribosomal RNA (2556) chemical compounds (78840) acids, bases, and salts (29068) acids (19405) organic acids and salts (17608) carboxylic acids (13418) fatty acids (6047) volatile fatty acids (338) inorganic compounds (30695) ammonia (1355) nitrogen compounds (16192) ammonia (1355) organic compounds (57444) hydrocarbons (5396) alkanes (1939) methane (1158) organic acids and salts (17608) carboxylic acids (13418) fatty acids (6047) volatile fatty acids (338) Reference Types Reference Types Journal (337546) Research, Technology and Engineering Research, Technology and Engineering technology (49139) biotechnology (2963) anaerobic digestion (480) processing technology (28127) anaerobic digestion (480) fermentation (3507) Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria Archaea (448) Euryarchaeota (232) Methanobacteriales (55) Methanobacteriaceae (40) Methanobacterium (21) Methanomicrobiales (54) Methanomicrobiaceae (21) Methanoculleus (16) Methanosarcinales (110) Methanosarcinaceae (87) Methanosarcina (55) Eubacteria (19572) Firmicutes (9350) Bacillus/Clostridium group (7319) Clostridiaceae (684) Clostridium (607) Clostridium stercorarium (6) Clostridium thermocellum (41) Halanaerobiales (8) Halanaerobiaceae (6) Halocella (1) Abstract of Article: Will be presented in next release Date Last Accessed: Accessed January 20, 2015 Title of Article: Characteristic microbial community of a dry thermophilic methanogenic digester: its long-term stability and change with feeding Author(s) of Article: Will be identified in next release Citation: Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2011 v.91 no.5 pp. 1447-1461 Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: 2011 Location of Article: Name of Publication: Applied microbiology and biotechnology. Publishing Company: Will be identified in next release Accession Number: 88732