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more general categories information about this item Calendar Year Calendar Year Year (337475) 2008 (37480) Economics, Business and Industry Economics, Business and Industry products and commodities (80757) agricultural products (74894) foods (19982) beverages (2857) Food and Human Nutrition Food and Human Nutrition food science (22492) food technology (8197) food preparation (2068) cooking (1493) baking (242) food processing (5550) cooking (1491) baking (242) foods (20022) beverages (2857) Health and Pathology Health and Pathology exposure (1807) acceptable daily intake (69) Physical and Chemical Sciences Physical and Chemical Sciences chemical substances (129118) chemical compounds (78840) acids, bases, and salts (29068) bases (208) alkalis (197) organic compounds (57444) polymers (3677) alcohols (12943) phenols (3703) bisphenol A (145) aromatic compounds (11724) phenolic compounds (9245) phenols (3694) bisphenol A (145) technical chemicals (15701) detergents (139) physics (54990) physical properties (32618) temperature (18106) Reference Types Reference Types Journal (337546) Research, Technology and Engineering Research, Technology and Engineering equipment (11338) cleaning equipment (40) dishwashers (3) containers (1917) bottles (142) materials science (14620) materials (8714) polymers (3677) technology (49139) packaging (2626) containers (1915) bottles (141) processing technology (28127) drying (1992) washing (385) Rural and Agricultural Sociology Rural and Agricultural Sociology people (16543) infants (405) Abstract of Article: Will be presented in next release Date Last Accessed: Accessed January 20, 2015 Title of Article: Release of bisphenol A from polycarbonate baby bottles: mechanisms of formation and investigation of worst case scenarios Author(s) of Article: Will be identified in next release Citation: European food research and technology 2008 v.227 no.4 pp. 1053-1060 Click to View: (Click to View) Date of Publication: 2008 Location of Article: Name of Publication: European food research and technology Publishing Company: Will be identified in next release Accession Number: 81377