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Critical adaptation to hurricanes in the Mexican Caribbean: Development visions, governance structures, and coping strategies | Global environmental change |
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Determinants of non-native plant species richness and composition across small Mediterranean islands | Biological invasions |
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Uncertainties in Predicting Tourist Flows Under Scenarios of Climate Change | Climatic change |
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Prioritising coastal zone management issues through fuzzy cognitive mapping approach | Journal of environmental management |
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“Turtle watching” conservation guidelines: green turtle (Chelonia mydas) tourism in nearshore coastal environments | Biodiversity and conservation |
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Rapid change of strategy is necessary for development of dromedary camel pastoralism in the Cholistan desert of Pakistan | Pastoralism |
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Have we neglected the societal importance of sand dunes? An ecosystem services perspective | Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems |
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Integrated assessment of mangrove sediments in the Camamu Bay (Bahia, Brazil) | Ecotoxicology and environmental safety |
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The impact of weather variability on British outbound flows | Climatic change |
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Changes in resident attitudes towards tourism development and conservation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana | Journal of environmental management |
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The Moray Firth Seal Management Plan: an adaptive framework for balancing the conservation of seals, salmon, fisheries and wildlife tourism in the UK | Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems |
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A multi-attribute trade-off approach for advancing the management of marine wildlife tourism: a quantitative assessment of heterogeneous visitor preferences | Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems |
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Evaluation of thermal comfort conditions in Ourmieh Lake, Iran | Theoretical and applied climatology |
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Climatic potential for tourism in the Black Forest, Germany — winter season | International journal of biometeorology |
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Impacts of climatic change on water and associated economic activities in the Swiss Alps | Journal of hydrology |
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Distance does matter: close approaches by boats impede feeding and resting behaviour of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins | Wildlife research |
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Community Forestry as Perceived by Local People Around Cross River National Park, Nigeria | Environmental management |
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Exploring word-of-mouth influences on travel decisions: friends and relatives vs. other travellers | International journal of consumer studies |
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Living with predators: a focus on the issues of human–crocodile conflict within the lower Zambezi valley | Wildlife research |
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Hotel water consumption at a seasonal mass tourist destination. The case of the island of Mallorca | Journal of environmental management |
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Temporal monitoring of water level changes in Seyfe Lake using remote sensing | Hydrological processes |
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Users or producers of ecosystem services? A scenario exercise for integrating conservation and reindeer herding in northeast Finland | Pastoralism |
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Testing the efficacy of a boundary fence at an important tropical seabird breeding colony and key tourist destination | Wildlife research |
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The vulnerability of beach tourism to climate change—an index approach | Climatic change |
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Water quality and dissolved inorganic fluxes of N, P, SO4, and K of a small catchment river in the Southwestern Coast of India | Environmental monitoring and assessment |
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Monitoring of South Sinai coral reefs: influence of natural and anthropogenic factors | Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems |
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Promoting community-based bird monitoring in the tropics: Conservation, research, environmental education, capacity-building, and local incomes | Biological conservation |
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Behavioural response of free-ranging guanacos (Lama guanicoe) to land-use change: habituation to motorised vehicles in a recently created reserve | Wildlife research |
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Co-benefits of large-scale renewables in remote Australia: energy futures and climate change | Rangeland journal |
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Managing Dive Tourism for the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs: Validating Diver Perceptions of Attractive Site Features | Environmental management |
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Restoration of a tropical island: Cousine Island, Seychelles | Biodiversity and conservation |
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Community engagement in regional development: a case study of a systems approach to tourism in central Australia | Rangeland journal |
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Minimizing disturbance to wildlife by tourists approaching on foot or in a car: A study of kangaroos in the Australian rangelands | Applied animal behaviour science |
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Payments for Ecosystem Services as a Framework for Community-Based Conservation in Northern Tanzania | Conservation biology the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology |
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The realisation of tourism business opportunities adjacent to three national parks in southern Finland: entrepreneurs and local decision-makers matter | Forest policy and economics |
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Contrasting approved uses against actual uses at La Restinga Lagoon National Park, Margarita Island, Venezuela. A GPS and GIS method to improve management plans and rangers coverage | Journal of coastal conservation |
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The environmental and socio-economic impacts of Eichhornia crassipes in the Victoria Falls/Mosi-oa-Tunya World Heritage Site, Livingstone, Zambia | EPPO bulletin |
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Anthelmintic efficacy in captive wild impala antelope (Aepyceros melampus) in Lusaka, Zambia | Veterinary parasitology |
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Characterizing Coral Condition Using Estimates of Three-dimensional Colony Surface Area | Environmental monitoring and assessment |
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Valuing individual animals through tourism: Science or speculation? | Biological conservation |