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Biological Sciences: evolution
Taxa - Algae: Bacillariophyta

24 results
Group by: Biological Sciences, Taxa - Algae
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A phylogenetic approach to detect selection on the target site of the antifouling compound irgarol in tolerant periphyton communities
Environmental microbiology

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Morphological adaptation of a planktonic diatom to growth in Antarctic sea ice
Marine biology

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Application of rbcL based molecular diversity analysis to algae in wastewater treatment plants
Bioresource technology

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Molecular Evolution of Lycopene Cyclases Involved in the Formation of Carotenoids in Eukaryotic Algae
Plant molecular biology reporter

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Distribution Patterns and Phylogeny of Marine Stramenopiles in the North Pacific Ocean
Applied and environmental microbiology AEM.

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Phosphate transporters in marine phytoplankton and their viruses: cross‐domain commonalities in viral‐host gene exchanges
Environmental microbiology

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Patterns of biofilm formation in two streams from different bioclimatic regions: analysis of microbial community structure and metabolism

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Kinetic and phylogenetic analysis of plant polyamine uptake transporters

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Antifreeze proteins in polar sea ice diatoms: diversity and gene expression in the genus Fragilariopsis
Environmental microbiology

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DIATMOD: diatom predictive model for quality assessment of Portuguese running waters

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Experimental silicon demand by the sponge Hymeniacidon perlevis reveals chronic limitation in field populations

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Inorganic carbon acquisition in potentially toxic and non-toxic diatoms: the effect of pH-induced changes in seawater carbonate chemistry
Physiologia plantarum

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Evolutionary significance of an algal gene encoding an [FeFe]-hydrogenase with F-domain homology and hydrogenase activity in Chlorella variabilis NC64A

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Heterogeneity in the photoprotective capacity of three Antarctic diatoms during short-term changes in salinity and temperature
Marine biology

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Significant Role for Microbial Autotrophy in the Sequestration of Soil Carbon
Applied and environmental microbiology AEM.

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Phylogenetic and Gene Expression Analysis of Cyanobacteria and Diatoms in the Twilight Waters of the Temperate Northeast Pacific Ocean
Microbial ecology

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Alkaline phosphatase gene sequence characteristics and transcriptional regulation by phosphate limitation in Karenia brevis (Dinophyceae)
Harmful algae

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Distribution and phylogeny of the blue light receptors aureochromes in eukaryotes

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Adaptation of the ³H-Leucine Incorporation Technique to Measure Heterotrophic Activity Associated with Biofilm on the Blades of the Seaweed Sargassum spp.
Microbial ecology

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Recent views on river pollution and diatoms

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Effects of different nitrogen species on sensitivity and photosynthetic stress of three common freshwater diatoms
Aquatic ecology

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Processes regulating the community composition and relative abundance of taxa in the diatom communities of the Malili Lakes, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia

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Comparative genomics of the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Plant physiology

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The peculiar distribution of class I and class II aldolases in diatoms and in red algae
Current genetics