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Biological Sciences: evolution > concerted evolution

6 results
Group by: Biological Sciences
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The Rise of Pathogens: Predation as a Factor Driving the Evolution of Human Pathogens in the Environment
Microbial ecology

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Inferring phylogeny at low taxonomic levels: utility of rapidly evolving cpDNA and nuclear ITS loci
American journal of botany

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Dispersion of rDNA loci and its implications on intragenomic variability and phylogenetic studies in Camellia
Scientia horticulturae

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Reconstructing patterns of reticulate evolution in plants
American journal of botany

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Two complementary recessive genes in duplicated segments control etiolation in rice
Theoretical and applied genetics

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Internal transcribed spacer repeatā€specific primers and the analysis of hybridization in the Glycine tomentella (Leguminosae) polyploid complex
Molecular ecology