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Farms and Farming Systems: agricultural management > agricultural management models

Items 1 to 40 of 62 results
Group by: Farms and Farming Systems
(Click to View)
Simulated yield and profitability of five potential crops for intensifying the dryland wheat-fallow production system
Agricultural water management

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A conceptual framework of agricultural land use planning with BMP for integrated watershed management
Journal of environmental management

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Influences of the unsaturated, saturated, and riparian zones on the transport of nitrate near the Merced River, California, USA
Hydrogeology journal

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Modeling the effects of controlled drainage, N rate and weather on nitrate loss to subsurface drainage
Agricultural water management

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An Ecological Risk Assessment of the Acute and Chronic Effects of the Herbicide Clopyralid to Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

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Modeling the impacts of climate change on irrigated corn production in the Central Great Plains
Agricultural water management

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Application of data assimilation with the Root Zone Water Quality Model for soil moisture profile estimation in the upper Cedar Creek, Indiana
Hydrological processes

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Flood risks in consequence of agrarian land‐use measures in flood formation and inundation zones and conclusions for flood risk management plans
Irrigation and drainage

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Model‐based assessment of land use impacts on runoff and inundation caused by flood events
Irrigation and drainage

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Modifying the LEACHM model for process-based prediction of nitrate leaching from cropped Andosols
Plant and soil

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A windows-based GIS-AGNPS interface
Journal of the American Water Resources Association

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Integrated modeling environment for statewide assessment of groundwater vulnerability from pesticide use in agriculture
Pest management science

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Teaching diversified organic crop production using the community supported agriculture farming system model
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

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Drainwater management for salinity mitigation in irrigated agriculture
American journal of agricultural economics

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Uncalibrated modelling of conservative tracer and pesticide leaching to groundwater: comparison of potential Tier II exposure assessment models
Pest management science

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Using the mixtures-of-distributions technique for the classification of farms into representative farms
Agricultural systems

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An integrated modelling toolbox for water resources assessment and management in highland catchments: Model description
Agricultural systems

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An integrated modelling toolbox for water resources assessment and management in highland catchments: Sensitivity analysis and testing
Agricultural systems

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Individual-based models in the analysis of disease transmission in plant production chains: An application to potato brown rot
Agricultural systems

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Epistics: A dynamic model to generate nitrogen fertilisation and irrigation schedules in apple orchards, with special attention to qualitative evaluation of the model
Agricultural systems

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The economic value of saltland pastures in a mixed farming system in Western Australia
Agricultural systems

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On-Farm Scheduling Studies and CERES-Maize Simulation of Irrigated Corn
Applied engineering in agriculture

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Community attitudes towards water management in the Moore Catchment, Western Australia
Agricultural systems

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An optimization model for the management of a South African game ranch
Agricultural systems

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Multi-criteria policy scenario analysis for public regulation of irrigated agriculture
Agricultural systems

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Exploring diversity of crop and soil management within smallholder African farms: A dynamic model for simulation of N balances and use efficiencies at field scale
Agricultural systems

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Exploring improved pesticide management in sub-tropical environments with GIS-supported fate modeling
Agricultural systems

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Environmental impact and economic benefits of site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) in irrigated rice systems
Agricultural systems

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Coordination in irrigation systems: An analysis of the Lansing-Kremer model of Bali
Agricultural systems

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Fate and transport of nitrogen compounds in a cold region soil using DRAINMOD
Computers and electronics in agriculture

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Soil organic carbon changes in dynamic land use decision models
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Distributed ecohydrological modelling to evaluate the performance of irrigation system in Sirsa district, India: I. Current water management and its productivity
Journal of hydrology

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Distributed ecohydrological modelling to evaluate irrigation system performance in Sirsa district, India II: Impact of viable water management scenarios
Journal of hydrology

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Model analysis of grazing effect on above-ground biomass and above-ground net primary production of a Mongolian grassland ecosystem
Journal of hydrology

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Integrative modelling approaches for analysis of impact of multifunctional agriculture: A review for France, Germany and The Netherlands
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Exploring multi-scale trade-offs between nature conservation, agricultural profits and landscape quality--A methodology to support discussions on land-use perspectives
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Normative, positive and econometric mathematical programming as tools for incorporation of multifunctionality in agricultural policy modelling
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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A comprehensive assessment of multifunctional agricultural land-use systems in Spain using a multi-dimensional evaluative model
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Agricultural sector analysis on greenhouse gas mitigation in US agriculture and forestry
Agricultural systems

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Analysis of nitrate pollution control policies in the irrigated agriculture of Apulia Region (Southern Italy): A bio-economic modelling approach
Agricultural systems