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Health and Pathology: exposure > exposure pathways > dermal exposure

25 results
Group by: Health and Pathology
(Click to View)
Dermal exposure assessment of pesticide use: The case of sprayers in potato farms in the Colombian highlands
Science of the total environment

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Desorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from field-contaminated soil to a two-dimensional hydrophobic surface before and after bioremediation

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Glove material, reservoir formation, and dose affect glove permeation and subsequent skin penetration
Science of the total environment

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Assessment of skin exposure to N,N-dimethylformamide and methyl ethylketone through chemical protective gloves and decontamination of gloves for reuse purposes
Science of the total environment

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Prevalence of skin lesions and exposure to arsenic in drinking water in Iran
Science of the total environment

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Operative Modalities and Exposure to Pesticides During Open Field Treatments Among a Group of Agricultural Subcontractors
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

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Evaluation of the acute dermal exposure of the ethanolic and hexanic extracts from leaves of Schinus molle var. areira L. in rats
Journal of ethnopharmacology

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The occurrence of disinfection by-products in municipal drinking water in China's Pearl River Delta and a multipathway cancer risk assessment
Science of the total environment

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Toxicity and bioaccumulation of biosolids-borne triclocarban (TCC) in terrestrial organisms

(Click to View)
Anthropogenic Platinum Enrichment in the Vicinity of Mines in the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa
Water, air, and soil pollution

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Risk Assessment of Human Exposure to Cypermethrin During Treatment of Mandarin Fields
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

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Modelling effects of chemical exposure on birds wintering in agricultural landscapes: The western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) as a case study
Ecological modelling

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Effects of bioreactive acrolein from automotive exhaust gases on human cells in vitro
Environmental toxicology

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Human health risk assessment of lead from mining activities at semi-arid locations in the context of total lead exposure
Environmental science and pollution research

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Dermal pharmacokinetics of the insecticide furathiocarb in rats
Pest management science

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Studies on the role of routes of allergen exposure in high IgE-producing beagle dogs sensitized to house dust mites
Veterinary dermatology

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Antioxidative and acute anti-inflammatory effects of Campsis grandiflora flower
Journal of ethnopharmacology

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Analytical method for assessing potential dermal exposure to captan, using whole body dosimetry, in small vegetable production units in Argentina
Pest management science

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Transdermal drug delivery: Basic principles for the veterinarian
Veterinary journal

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Comparison of immune responses in parenteral FaeG DNA primed pigs boosted orally with F4 protein or reimmunized with the DNA vaccine
Veterinary immunology and immunopathology

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Unusual dermatological toxicity of hydroxyurea in two dogs with spontaneously occurring tumours
journal of small animal practice

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Potential dermal exposure to deltamethrin and risk assessment for manual sprayers: Influence of crop type
Science of the total environment

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Potential applications of antioxidant lignins from different sources
Industrial crops and products

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Transitional Sublethal and Lethal Effects of Insecticides After Dermal Exposures to Five Economic Species of Wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae)
Journal of economic entomology

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Golfer Exposure to Chlorpyrifos and Carbaryl Following Application to Turfgrass
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry