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Health and Pathology: exposure > exposure pathways > indirect contact

12 results
Group by: Health and Pathology
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Infection prevention and control interventions in the first outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in an equine hospital in Sweden
Acta veterinaria scandinavica

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An epidemiologic simulation model of the spread and control of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) among commercial and backyard poultry flocks in South Carolina, United States
Preventive veterinary medicine

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Indirect human exposure assessment of airborne lead deposited on soil via a simplified fate and speciation modelling approach
Science of the total environment

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Within-herd contact structure and transmission of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in a persistently infected dairy cattle herd
Preventive veterinary medicine

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Evaluation of the risk of classical swine fever (CSF) spread from backyard pigs to other domestic pigs by using the spatial stochastic disease spread model Be-FAST: The example of Bulgaria
Veterinary microbiology

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Mathematical modelling and evaluation of the different routes of transmission of lumpy skin disease virus
Veterinary research

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Cattle producers’ perceptions of biosecurity
BMC veterinary research

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Carbaryl Concentration Gradients in Realistic Environments and Their Influence on Our Understanding of the Tadpole Food Web
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

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Microbial Production of Propionic Acid with Propionibacterium freudenreichii Using an Anion Exchanger-Based In Situ Product Recovery (ISPR) Process with Direct and Indirect Contact of Cells
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology

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Assessment of indirect human exposure to environmental sources of nickel: Oral exposure and risk characterization for systemic effects
Science of the total environment

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Network analysis of cattle and pig movements in Sweden: Measures relevant for disease control and risk based surveillance
Preventive veterinary medicine

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Effects of perchlorate on growth of four wetland plants and its accumulation in plant tissues
Environmental science and pollution research