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Rural and Agricultural Sociology: family and consumer science > consumer science

Items 1 to 40 of 1652 results
Group by: Rural and Agricultural Sociology
(Click to View)
A Survey of Dietary Intake of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans, and Dioxin-like Coplanar Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Food During 2000-2002 in Osaka City, Japan
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

(Click to View)
Effect of information about pig breed on consumers' acceptability of dry sausage
Journal of sensory studies

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Soil salinity and sodicity effects of wastewater irrigation in South East Australia
Agricultural water management

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The smell and odorous components of dried shiitake mushroom, Lentinula edodes VI: increase in odorous compounds of dried shiitake mushroom cultivated on bed logs
Journal of wood science

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Evaluation of goat mortadella prepared with different levels of fat and goat meat from discarded animals
Small ruminant research

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Visual characterization of the esthetic quality of the rosebush
Journal of sensory studies

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Influence of label information on dark chocolate acceptability

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Perception of fruity and vegetative aromas in red wine
Journal of sensory studies

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Food Group Categories of Low-income African American Women
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

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Food Label Use and Its Relation to Dietary Intake among US Adults
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

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Incorporating nutrients into meat demand analysis using household budgets data
Agricultural economics the journal of the International Association of Agricultural Economists

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Consumer preferences for sustainable production methods in apple purchasing behaviour: a non‐hypothetical choice experiment
International journal of consumer studies

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The possible impact of inflation on nutritionally vulnerable households in a developing country using South Africa as a case study
Nutrition bulletin

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Efficacy of new commercial formulations to control downy mildew and dissipation of their active fungicides in wine after good agricultural practices
Journal of the science of food and agriculture

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Multi-attribute evaluation of flood management in Japan: a choice experiment approach
Water and environment journal

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Understanding Characteristics of Families Who Buy Local Produce
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

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A review of the factors influencing the development of intermuscular adipose tissue in the growing pig
Meat science

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Feasibility of conventional and Roundup Ready® soybeans discrimination by different near infrared reflectance technologies
Food chemistry

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Healthier meat products as functional foods
Meat science

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In depth analysis of risk factors for coeliac disease amongst children under 18 years Old in the Gaza strip. A cross sectional study
Nutrition journal

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Health Literacy Is Associated with Healthy Eating Index Scores and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake: Findings from the Rural Lower Mississippi Delta
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

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Agrobiodiversity loss and livelihood vulnerability as a consequence of converting from subsistence farming systems to commercial plantation-dominated systems in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China: A household level analysis
Land degradation and development

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Elevated Levels of Metals and Organic Pollutants in Fish and Clams in the Cape Fear River Watershed
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

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Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, source of a high-potency natural sweetener: A comprehensive review on the biochemical, nutritional and functional aspects
Food chemistry

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Effect of soy flour, rice flour and semolina supplementation on the textural and sensory properties of dough and a deep-fried product
Journal of food processing and preservation

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Use of purchase preference options to increase no preference frequencies in placebo preference tests
Journal of sensory studies

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Sensory acceptance of juice from fcoj processing steps
Journal of sensory studies

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Efficacy of bacteriocin-containing cell-free culture supernatants from lactic acid bacteria to control Listeria monocytogenes in food
International journal of food microbiology

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An overview of the NUTRIMENTHE project
Nutrition bulletin

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低脂Petit suisse干酪的粘弹性和感官特性
Dairy science and technology

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Reliability of a Retail Food Store Survey and Development of an Accompanying Retail Scoring System to Communicate Survey Findings and Identify Vendors for Healthful Food and Marketing Initiatives
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

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Lexicon for the sensory description of French bread in Japan
Journal of sensory studies

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Effect of information provisioning on attitude toward surgical castration of male piglets and alternative strategies for avoiding boar taint
Research in veterinary science

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N-3 enrichment of pork with fishmeal: Effects on production and consumer acceptability
European journal of lipid science and technology

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Application of artificial neural networks in the geographical identification of coffee samples
European food research and technology

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Application of high hydrostatic pressure to aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel: Microbial inactivation and evaluation of quality parameters
Innovative food science and emerging technologies

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Consumer perception of irradiated fruit: a case study using choice-based conjoint analysis
Journal of sensory studies

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Willingness to pay for GMO labeling policies: the case of Korea
Journal of food safety

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Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on characteristics of sliced kashar cheese
Journal of food processing and preservation

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Methyl jasmonate treatment promotes flower opening of cut Eustoma by inducing cell wall loosening proteins in petals
Postharvest biology and technology
