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03. Constituents by Food Group: all > Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets > Sugars [Sugar_1]

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03. Constituents by Food Group: Eggs; Legumes; Nuts and Seeds; Fats and Oils; Sugars and Sweets > Sugars [Sugar_1]

4403 items, grouped by 03. Constituents by Food Group (view ungrouped items)

Honey [9500186000] (Crop Group O) (466)   
Food #13122500; 
Mod [000000] 
Ice cream pie, with cookie crust, fudge topping, and whipped cream
FCID #9500186000

Food #13126000; 
Mod [000000] 
Ice cream, fried
FCID #9500186000

Food #21002000; 
Mod [000000] 
Beef, pickled
FCID #9500186000

Food #21416000; 
Mod [000000] 
Corned beef, cooked, N/S as to fat eaten
FCID #9500186000

all 466 items...

Maple syrup [9500219000] (Crop Group O) (4)   
Maple syrup
Food #91300010; 
Mod [000000] 
Syrup, NFS
FCID #9500219000
Maple syrup

Maple syrup
Food #91300100; 
Mod [000000] 
Pancake syrup, NFS
FCID #9500219000
Maple syrup

Maple syrup
Food #91301060; 
Mod [000000] 
Maple syrup (100% maple)
FCID #9500219000
Maple syrup

Maple syrup
Food #91301250; 
Mod [000000] 
Maple and corn and/or cane pancake syrup blends (formerly Corn and maple syrup (2% maple))
FCID #9500219000
Maple syrup

Maple, sugar [9500218000] (Crop Group O) (15)   
Maple, sugar
Food #11420000; 
Mod [000000] 
Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, or coffee flavor, N/S as to type of milk
FCID #9500218000
Maple, sugar

Maple, sugar
Food #11421000; 
Mod [000000] 
Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, or coffee flavor, whole milk
FCID #9500218000
Maple, sugar

Maple, sugar
Food #11422000; 
Mod [000000] 
Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, maple, or coffee flavor, lowfat milk
FCID #9500218000
Maple, sugar

Maple, sugar
Food #11423000; 
Mod [000000] 
Yogurt, vanilla, lemon, maple, or coffee flavor, nonfat milk
FCID #9500218000
Maple, sugar

all 15 items...

Sugarcane, molasses [9500363000] (Crop Group O) (109)   
Sugarcane, molasses
Food #13120100; 
Mod [000000] 
Ice cream bar or stick, chocolate covered
FCID #9500363000
Sugarcane, molasses

Sugarcane, molasses
Food #13120110; 
Mod [000000] 
Ice cream bar or stick, chocolate or caramel covered, with nuts
FCID #9500363000
Sugarcane, molasses

Sugarcane, molasses
Food #13210710; 
Mod [000000] 
Pudding, Indian (milk, molasses and cornmeal-based pudding)
FCID #9500363000
Sugarcane, molasses

Sugarcane, molasses
Food #28143220; 
Mod [000000] 
Chicken in barbecue sauce, with rice, vegetable and dessert, reduced fat and sodium (diet frozen meal)
FCID #9500363000
Sugarcane, molasses

all 109 items...

Sugarcane, molasses-babyfood [9500363001] (Crop Group O) (2)   
Sugarcane, molasses-babyfood
Food #53203100; 
Mod [000000] 
Cookie, baby
FCID #9500363001
Sugarcane, molasses-babyfood

Sugarcane, molasses-babyfood
Food #53242250; 
Mod [000000] 
Cookie, teething, baby food
FCID #9500363001
Sugarcane, molasses-babyfood

Sugarcane, sugar [9500362000] (Crop Group O) (3747)   
Sugarcane, sugar
Food #11220000; 
Mod [000000] 
Milk, condensed, sweetened (formerly N/S as to dilution)
FCID #9500362000
Sugarcane, sugar

Sugarcane, sugar
Food #11220100; 
Mod [000000] 
Milk, condensed, sweetened, undiluted
FCID #9500362000
Sugarcane, sugar

Sugarcane, sugar
Food #11220200; 
Mod [000000] 
Milk, condensed, sweetened, diluted
FCID #9500362000
Sugarcane, sugar

Sugarcane, sugar
Food #11310000; 
Mod [000000] 
Milk, imitation, fluid, soy based
FCID #9500362000
Sugarcane, sugar

all 3747 items...

Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood [9500362001] (Crop Group O) (60)   
Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood
Food #11710000; 
Mod [000000] 
Infant formula, NFS
FCID #9500362001
Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood

Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood
Food #11710050; 
Mod [000000] 
Similac Alimentum, with iron, infant formula, N/S as to form
FCID #9500362001
Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood

Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood
Food #11710051; 
Mod [000000] 
Similac Alimentum, with iron, infant formula, ready-to-feed
FCID #9500362001
Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood

Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood
Food #11710800; 
Mod [000000] 
Pediasure, with iron, infant formula, N/S as to form
FCID #9500362001
Sugarcane, sugar-babyfood

all 60 items...