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Food #43103100; 
Mod [000000] 
Sesame sauce
FCID #8601100000
Water, direct, tap

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02. Food Descriptions & Constituents: 4 Dry Beans, Peas, Other Legumes, Nuts, and Seeds (4) > 43 Seeds and seed mixtures

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01. View Selection 
01. View Selection
 [2] Food Constituents Only (109321) 
 Food constituents without descriptions shown (109321)
02. Food Descriptions & Constituents 
02. Food Descriptions & Constituents
 4 Dry Beans, Peas, Other Legumes, Nuts, and Seeds (4) (3281) 
 43 Seeds and seed mixtures (35) 
 431 Seeds (35) 
 4310 Group Foods (35) 
 Sesame sauce (6) 
 Food #43103100; Mod [000000] Sesame sauce (6)
03. Constituents by Food Group 
03. Constituents by Food Group
 Beverages (3083) 
 Water [Water_1] (2939) 
 Water, direct, tap [8601100000] (Crop Group 86A) (48)
04. Constituents by Crop Group 
04. Constituents by Crop Group
 Water (2939) 
 Group 86. Water (2939) 
 86A. Water, direct (48) 
 Water, direct, tap [8601100000] (Crop Group 86A) (48)
FCID Code  8601100000
FCID Description  Water, direct, tap
FCID Rank by Percent  1
FNDDS Food Code  43103100
FNDDS Food Description  Sesame sauce
FNDDS Food Modification Code  [000000]
FNDDS Food Modification Description  None