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Refine your search within these categories:
01. Food Nutrient & Dietary Chemicals
(group results)
Food additives
Lipid components [ChEBI:18059]
Organic acids
Phenolic components [ChEBI:15882]
02. Food Pesticide Chemicals with Regulated Residues on Food Commodities
03. Biological Effects of Specific Chemicals
(group results)
antimicrobial agent [CHEBI:33281]
biochemical uses [CHEBI:52206]
biophysical uses [CHEBI:52208]
growth regulator [CHEBI:39317]
immunomodulator [CHEBI:50846]
pharmacological uses [CHEBI:52210]
physiological uses [CHEBI:52211]
04. Bioactive Capabilities of Specific Chemicals
(group results)
Isomerases [EC:5]
Lyases [EC:4]
Oxidoreductases [EC:1]
Transferases [EC:2]
05. Industrial Uses
(group results)
anti-inflammatory agent [CHEBI:67079]
food additive [CHEBI:64047]
pesticide [CHEBI:25944]
pharmaceutical [CHEBI:52217]
06. Name of Biological Source of Chemical
(group results)
Fungi, Yeasts, Molds and Mildews
07. Part of Biological Source of Chemical
plant structure [PO:0009011]
multi-tissue plant structure [PO:0025496]
plant organ [PO:0009008]
plant axis [PO:0025004]
root [PO:0009005]
shoot axis [PO:0025029]
08. Chemical Category
(group results)
main group molecular entity [CHEBI:33579]
polyatomic entity [CHEBI:36357]
09. Chemical Capabilities
(group results)
antioxidant [CHEBI:22586]
inhibitor [CHEBI:35222]
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07. Part of Biological Source of Chemical
plant structure [PO:0009011]
multi-tissue plant structure [PO:0025496]
plant organ [PO:0009008]
plant axis [PO:0025004]
691 items, grouped by
07. Part of Biological Source of Chemical
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root [PO:0009005]
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shoot axis [PO:0025029]
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