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more general categories information about this item D12. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins D12. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins Proteins [MESH:D011506] (65761) Glycoproteins [MESH:D006023] (3808) Mucoproteins [MESH:D009088] (162) Mucins [MESH:D009077] (95) D25. Biomedical and Dental Materials D25. Biomedical and Dental Materials Mouthwashes [MESH:D009067] (5) Saliva, Artificial [MESH:D012464] (4) J. Technology, Industry, Agriculture J. Technology, Industry, Agriculture Technology, Industry, and Agriculture [MESH:D013676] (4406) Manufactured Materials [MESH:D008420] (4216) Biomedical and Dental Materials [MESH:D001697] (4055) Mouthwashes [MESH:D009067] (5) Saliva, Artificial [MESH:D012464] (4)